Днес ще ви разкажа за едно тайнствено място по северното черноморие – Шабла и по специално почивната база на Министерски съвет. Със своето наистина уникално …

Travel blog BG
Travel blog BG
This is my favorite time. There are no croweds, the sun is shining, not burning, the sea water is perfect for swimming (especially in June) and you can feel the nature.
If you want to spend the Easter holidays here it will be great, but keep in mind that it’s an incredibly busy time in Greece. The people don’t work, everything is closed and you have to make early booking for the hotels.
The right time for families with little kids.
Things to do:
The summer in Greece is hot and dry. You can stay on the beach till 9 pm. The beach bars and taverns are full . You can meet new people and see how the Greek can enjoy life. It’s the perfect time to explore the Greek islands – 1,200 to 6,000, depending on the minimum size that qualifies as an island.
Things to do:
Autumn holidays in Greece are a chance for a deep insight into Greek culture. In the beginning of October you can still go swimming although the sea is not as hot as in summer. The weather is sunny. Tourists are fewer and of course prices are lower.
The second half of autumn is the chance to see the Greek countryside at its best. This is the season when the Greeks harvest the olive trees and produce high-quality olive oil, press grapes to make wine, gather fruits from the trees and make jams, produce raki and tsipouro from the wine extracts. Perfect time to try the fresh Greek food.
Things to do:
Winter is the best time to see Greece’s ancient sites, some of the most iconic in the world and the veritable foundations of Western civilization.
The weather is mild, the snow is only in the mountains so you can explore the traditions and customs in the big cities.
Also there are a lot of festivals during the winter.
Things to do: